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Hi There,

If possible, I know I've sent this late in the day, but If you can watch this before you attend the workshop tomorrow, then we can simply skip this part and I can give you even more value.

Im really keen to give you as much time as possible and therefore you can watch this as last minute homework. :)

Now, FYI, this is a video that is now part of the "option page" of Experts Profit Formula. So I give this away to people who aren't aware of product creation or my workshop. But despite you attending tomorrow, this video has some important messages that would be useful for you to see. Don't worry if you don't know what an opt-in page is ill explain tomorrow, just realise that I start the video with an intro saying "hey thanks for the email address" and also end the video with "hope to see you on the work shop".. you can of course ignore that bit.. its the content I want you to get your head around.

See you tomorrow,

Founder of Six Figure Experts

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